Watch for more details on these upcoming events:




Social Justice Coffee Hour
This event is on hold until further notice.
All proceeds will benefit the Samaritan House.
Stop by and enjoy some conversation and delicious pastries!


Parish Adult Education
Our spring Adult Education opportunities will be announced soon!

JPII Crew - Parish Youth Group Activities
Here are some of the events that we are planning: Three Kings Party *
Pilgrimage to Rome and the Vatican * Trips to are Shrines * Our 4th Annual
Family Irish Night * Holy Thursday 7 Churches Tour * Living Last Supper Performance *
XLT * Youth Retreat * Bible Study * Service Projects * Steubenville East Youth Conference *
Ongoing fund raisers * regular events in the outlet * Learning about our religion and
deepen our relationship and Jesus Christ

There is a $15 optional fee for the Tuesday evening class only - includes book and workbook.
Please call the parish office at 413-562-3450 to register for this class.

Starting on Thursday morning, October 5th at 10:00 a.m.