Child Abuse Prevention Training for Children and Youth

Safe Environment Training for Children and Young People

Religious Education programs
Grades 1-6
For children in elementary school grades, information about personal safety is presented within the context of the religious education curriculum. The emphasis, in language appropriate to the age and developmental level of the child, always ties the issue into the Gospel message of God’s love for us. In 2009, the Diocese initiated a new program called “Safe Environment Every Day,” or “SEED,” to help children learn skills to identify, respond to, and report situations that might be harmful to them. Parents are invited to participate and will receive supplemental information, including safety tips for children and resources about bullying and Internet safety. The lessons will be taught in two class sessions over the school year, with age-specific skill development goals for each grade level. These are:

  • First Grade: Rules About the Body
  • Second Grade: Rules for Interacting with Others, including preventing bullying
  • Third Grade: Listening to Your Intuition
  • Fourth Grade: Secrets–Those You Keep and Those You Share
  • Fifth Grade: Healthy Friendships, including preventing peer violence
  • Sixth Grade: Healthy Boundaries in Real-Time and Cyberspace

Grades 7-12
“Called to Protect for Youth” workshops for students in middle and high school are scheduled throughout the school year, either as part of the regular Religious Education classes or as specially scheduled sessions. Trained facilitators with backgrounds in education and youth counseling join catechists in presenting this positive, informative program. Three engaging DVD presentations followed by group activities and facilitated discussion give young people an opportunity to practice skills in resisting potential exploitation and boundary violations. The program reinforces Catholic and family teachings about values and self-care. The Springfield Diocese began offering these workshops in 2006.

Catholic Schools program
Child Lures is a child safety program, teaching skills to help prevent sexual exploitation, abduction, Internet crime, drugs and school violence. The program is age-appropriate, with lesson plans for each level. It reinforces a belief in the dignity of all people and the dangers that are contrary to that central Catholic belief. The Child Lures Prevention Program was created in 1985 and is used in many schools and youth organizations across the country. This prevention training has been a part of the Springfield Diocese Catholic school curriculum since 2004.

Additional special events in our Catholic schools involve education about Internet safety and prevention of drug abuse, bullying, and other kinds of violence.

Information and support for parents and guardians is offered throughout the school year.
Safe Environment Information and Support for Parents and Guardians

Informational sessions for parents and guardians are held in deaneries and parishes throughout the Diocese. Workshops led by a trained facilitator offer information and support to parents and deepen participants’ awareness of how adults can identify and interrupt boundary violations before they lead to abusive situations. A focus is on our commitment as Catholics to acknowledge and support parents as the first and foremost educators of their children. Participants are given the opportunity to discuss their emotions, concerns and questions in a discussion following the presentation.

To request that a parent training be held in your area, contact your parish Child Advocate or coordinator of Religious Education. You may also call the Office of Counseling, Prevention and Victim Services at (413) 452-0624..

Parents and guardians who do not wish their children to participate in the youth prevention programs are asked to contact their parish coordinator of Religious Education or Catholic school principal.

Additional resources are available at these trainings. Most are also accessible as links or downloadable documents at the Diocese website

Contact Information:
Office of Counseling, Prevention and Victim Services
Diocese of Springfield
413 452-0624

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