What is Catholic Youth Ministry?

The United States Catholic Conference of Bishops outlined their vision for Youth Ministry within the United States in their 1997 document “Renewing the Vision: A Framework for Catholic Youth Ministry”.
Goals of Youth Ministry
Goal 1: To empower young people to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in our world today.
Goal 2: To draw young people to responsible participation in the life, mission and work of the Catholic faith community.
Goal 3: To foster the total personal and spiritual growth of each young person.

Eight Components of a Comprehensive Vision of Youth Ministry
The Ministry of Advocacy
o   Engages the Church to examine its priorities and practices to determine how well young people are integrated into the life, mission and work of the Catholic community.
The Ministry of Catechesis
o   Helps adolescents develop a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and the Christian community, and increasetheir knowledge of the core content of the Catholic faith so that they can live more faithfully as disciples of Jesus Christ
The Ministry of Community Life
o   Builds and environment of love, support, appreciation for diversity, and judicious acceptance that models Catholic principles: develops meaningful relationships: and nurtures Catholic faith
The Ministry of Evangelization
o   Proclaims Jesus Christ and the Good News of salvation so that they will come to see Jesus and his message as a response to their inner longings and as a WAY the live their lives
The Ministry of Justice and Service
o   Nurtures in young people a social consciousness and a commitment to a life of justice and service rooted in their faith in Jesus Christ, in the Scriptures, and in Catholic social teaching
The Ministry of Leadership Development
o   Calls forth, affirms, and empowers the diverse gifts, talents, and abilities of adults and young people
The Ministry of Pastoral Care
o   Is a compassionate presence (relationship) of Jesus’ care of people, especially those who were hurting and in need
The Ministry of Prayer and Worship
o   Celebrates and deepens young people’s relationship with Jesus Christ through the bestowal of grace, communal prayer and liturgical experiences
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