The pope’s message comes as Springfield Bishop William Byrne announced the recent formation of the Care for Creation Committee to implement Pope Francis’ 2015 encyclical letter Laudato Si’.
In Laudato Si’, subtitled “On care for our common home,” the pope critiques consumerism and irresponsible economic development laments environmental degradation and global warming and calls all people of the world to take “swift and unified global action.”
The committee is an outgrowth of a Maryknoll affiliate that has been meeting monthly at Mary, Mother of Hope Parish in Springfield over the last eight years, according to the parish’s Deacon Bill Toller, a member of the new committee. “We’ve been meeting, praying, and discerning a way to get the whole diocese involved in this issue,” said Deacon Toller. “The future of the planet is at stake,” said the deacon, noting that care of creation is one of the seven principles of Catholic Social Teaching. “The bottom line is that Pope Francis has put a focus on this, and all of us, we really need to do this,” he said. Deacon Toller said the Care of Creation Committee is working to create a manual for parishes, schools, and other organizations to use to provide concrete suggestions on ways everyone can help the planet. From solar panels to recycling to water conservation to chemical free gardens and lawns, the committee hopes adults and children alike will be able to learn small and large ways they can contribute to the betterment of creation. “We’re hoping to do things like promote recycling efforts in parishes,” said Deacon Toller, noting that the kitchen at Mary Mother of Hope posts instructions on recycling after events.
Contact Creation Committee members via email listed below, or mail to:
Care for Creation Committee P.O. Box 1730, Springfield, MA 01102-1730