As part of the Jubilee Year of Hope 2025, the Basilica of St. Stanislaus in Chicopee, MA, invites everyone to a special evening celebrating Mary, Mother of Hope on Tuesday, February 11, 2025, the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. This inspiring event will begin at 6:00 p.m. with a Scriptural Rosary reflecting on The Joyful Mysteries, including a Marian presentation by Fr. James McCurry, OFM Conv., and a selection of Marian hymns. The evening will take place at the Basilica of St. Stanislaus, located at 566 Front Street, and will conclude with a light reception. As we journey through this Jubilee Year of Hope, this celebration offers an opportunity to deepen our faith and draw closer to Mary, who leads us to the heart of her Son. Sponsored by the Basilica of St. Stanislaus Rosary Society, this event is open to all. Come and experience the hope and joy of this Jubilee Year! All are welcome.
St. Brigid Parish, Amherst presents "St. Valentine Dance & Dinner with Fr. Valentine" onFriday, February 14 at the Monsignor Lane Pastoral Center, 43 N Prospect St, Amherst, MA 01002
Join us for a night of dancing and food celebrating St. Valentine's Day. Donations are $50 per person or $90 per couple. Credit cards, cash, and checks are accepted. For tickets and more information: 413-256-6181 or [email protected]. Come and have a night of fun!
A Jubilee Year Healing Mass will be held at St. Stanislaus Basilica located at 566 Front St. in Chicopee on Tuesday, February 18, 2025. At 6:00 p.m. we will begin with Adoration and Rosary, Mass will begin at 7:00 p.m. followed by prayers and anointing for healing. Please join us. All are welcome. We are handicap accessible. There is no charge for the evening. Come and experience the healing love of our God. Sponsored by the Disciples of Mary and the Basilica. For more information call the parish office at 413-594-6669 or the Disciples of Mary at 413-452-0511 or email [email protected].
You are invited to attend the men’s retreat at Holy Family Retreat Center the weekend of February 21-23, 2025. The retreat center is located in West Hartford, CT. The retreat begins at 6PM Friday evening and concludes at noon on Sunday. This is a time of reflection and spiritual renewal.
You may register at: or by phone at 860-760-9705
Contact John Mihalchick from Holy Cross at 413-783-8796 with any questions or concerns. Registration forms are also available at the entrance to the church.
In observance of the Jubilee Year, Bishop Byrne has decreed that Our Mother of Perpetual Help Chapel at Thomas Aquinas College will be an official pilgrimage site for the people of the diocese. As part of its celebration of the Jubilee Year, Thomas Aquinas College will host a special Jubilee Mass and accompanying devotions so as to afford pilgrims an opportunity to venerate Our Eucharistic Lord, receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and fulfill the requirements to receive a Plenary Indulgence at an officially declared pilgrimage site. The devotions will begin with Eucharistic Adoration, starting at 1:15 p.m., followed by Mass at 2:00 p.m., with the Sacrament of Confession available during that entire time. After the Mass has concluded, Fr. Markey will lead the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. A light reception will follow in Olivia Music Hall. More details can be found at:
Holy Family Parish in South Deerfield, we will welcome Fr. Dan Reehil to speak about Spiritual Warfare, just in time for Lent. This Parish Mission is called "Battle Ready." Fr. Reehil is Pastor of St. Catherine of Siena Church in Columbia, TN and Exorcist for the Diocese of Nashvillee. He is the National Director of Radio Maria USA where he has a Daily Radio Program called "Battle Ready with Fr. Dan Reehil."
This is for anyone who has lost someone recently or some time ago. We will meet at the
Parish Center at 89 Pine Street.
● This will be a safe space for talking about the pain of bereavement and how it is affecting
you and ways to heal.
● You can find mutual support and encouragement for those who are going through the same
thing as you.
● We will have tea, coffee, and some refreshments.
Bereavement Café will start on Thursday, February 27th. We will meet every other week and the time will be determined by the group majority.
Please contact Donna to sign up at [email protected] or call the Religious Education Office at 737-8267.
Something in the Water, “All you who are thirsty, come to the water!” Isaiah 55: 1-2. Come spend the weekend with sisters in Christ to pray and reflect without the outside world’s distractions. Our retreat this year will take place at the Sheraton Springfield Monarch Place Hotel. For either more information or registration forms, please contact Judy Lloyd at 413-657-4756. We look forward to a weekend of drawing closer to our Lord and strengthening our relationships with one another!!
Knights of Columbus, Father Shea Council will hold a their St. Patrick's Super at Our Lady of the Lake Parish, Fr. Shea Hall, 224 Sheep Pasture Rd., Southwick. 13 to Adult $15.00, 5 to 12 yrs $7.00, Under 5 yrs free, Max price per family is $35.00.
As part of the Jubilee Year, Our Lady of Peace in Turners Falls, MA has invited Frank Runyeon, nationally acclaimed speaker and well-known Hollywood actor, as well as a longtime Catholic and Seminary graduate (with honors!) to speak about Hollywood vs. Faith - the struggle to live faithfully in the media age. Mr. Runyeon's presentation will be held during Lent on Saturday, March 8 at 7pm sharing his first hand experience in Hollywood and the media's allure and pitfalls. His website states,"Everyone is hotly debating the influence of the media today…But few people are speaking a language that captures the attention of youth and adults, sheds new light—and ignites laughter. Frank helps his audience see “the man behind the curtain,” telling fun stories from a lifetime in the entertainment industry. He may change the way you (and your kids) see the media forever."
Saint Jerome Parish in Holyoke is hosting a Novena to Saint Patrick beginning Sunday, March 9 and concluding on Monday, March 17. Priests who serve throughout the Diocese will be the Novena Mass celebrants, with Bishop Byrne serving as the celebrant on Sunday, March 16. Weekday Novena Masses will be celebrated at 12:15 p.m.; the Saturday Novena Mass will be celebrated at 4:00 p.m.; and the Sunday Novena Masses will be celebrated at 10:30 a.m. For further information, contact the Saint Jerome Parish Office at 413-532-6381. The Church is located at 169 Hampden Street.
Our Lady of Mt Carmel, 123 William St., Springfield will host a Lenten Evening of Reflection Fr. Kleber, a member of the Stigmatine Congregation for twenty years.
6:15 Reconciliation, 7:00 p.m. pm Liturgy, 8:00 p.m., Lenten Reflections with Fr. Kleber Cardoso, 8:45 p.m. Refreshments
Fr. Kleber came to Mt. Carmel Parish in October from Saint Anthony Parish in the tourist city of Praia Grande, Brazil, where he served in liturgy and pastoral work with youth and couples.
Fr. Kleber shares his informative homilies and inspirational posts on Facebook.
We hope you will join us for a nourishing and inspiring evening.
Sponsored by the Women’s Guild & the Spiritual Life Commission
Designer Purse Bingo to benefit Lorraine's Soup Kitchen & Pantry -March 14, 2025 at the Knights of Columbus #69 460 Granby Road, Chicopee MA 01013. Doors open at 5:00 p.m. Games start @ 6:30 p.m. 10 games=10 chances to win! Tickets include entry for 10 games, dauber, door prize ticket, and light refreshments. Cash bar, outside food welcome. Raffles & door prizes! Bring non-perishable food items to be entered into a special raffle! $35.00 PRESALE ONLY!!!! For tickets contact Donna 413-557-9280 and/or Kim 413-592-9528. Get ‘em before they are gone, presale only! Tickets will not be sold at the door. Reserve a table of 8 and you’ll be entered in a special raffle!
Come join St. Francis of Assisi Parish, 12 Park St., Belchertown, in the fun, as comedian Dave Kane brings you a laugh filled presentation of jokes, one liners and stories that celebrate the warmth and resilience of the Irish sense of Humor. Show time: 2:00 PM and Doors open at 1:30 PM. Tickets are $20
For tickets call Roseann Montefusco (413) 364-8161. Tickets will also be sold after Masses or stop by the Parish Office at 10 Park St.
All are invited to a Mass on the Feast of St. Joseph, March 19, 2025 for all alumni, faculty and staff, living and deceased, of Pittsfield’s St. Joseph Central High School. The Mass will take place in St. Joseph’s Church, 414 North St. at 5:30 p.m.
Join us for St. Mary’s Parish for a Lenten Evening of Reflection on Wed., March 19, 2025 @ 5:30 pm . Mas will be followed by Dinner Buffet & Program: A Virtual Spiritual Journey Following the Footsteps of Our Lord - from the Annunciation to the Resurrection.
Be renewed by stories of the sacred places where Our Lord walked, preached, healed and prayed. Through a dynamic power point presentation with maps and vibrant photos, our guest speaker, Raed Makhouli will share stories from scripture and reflections on the spiritual significance of these holy places in the life of Christ .
$25 per person | RSVP with payment due by March 12
Visit the Parish website:
By Check- payable to: St Mary’s Guild
PO Box 60692, Longmeadow MA 01116
All are welcome to this special Lenten event hosted by St. Mary’s Guild.
St. Mary’s Church / 519 Longmeadow Street, Longmeadow, MA
Questions? Contact Mena DeCarvalho: [email protected]
Bishop Byrne invites men of all ages to a Men’s Night Jubilee celebration at St. Michael’s Cathedral, to be held on Wednesday, March 19th, the Solemnity of St. Joseph, beginning with the Holy Mass at 7pm with Bishop.
Following the Mass, we are pleased to have Michael Cutone, a former Green Beret and retired Massachusetts State Trooper, speaking about his own personal conversion as well as tips on how to live the Catholic faith as a husband, father, co-worker, and man of God.
This is a great way to enter more deeply into the Lenten season as well as gathering with our Chief Shepherd in the Cathedral Church as men journeying towards hope.
"The Gray House will be holding its annual Spaghetti Supper on Thursday, March 20th. The event will take place at the Greek Cultural Center at 8 Plainfield Street in Springfield. There is plenty of free parking available. The event will be held from 5-7 p.m. Entrance to the event is $7 per person or $5 for seniors and children. Tickets and raffle books available at the door. "
From Kenya to Camden and places in between, Br. Mickey McGrath has created multiple versions of the Stations of the Cross over the years. Join him on this one day retreat as he helps us find new relevance for each Station in these very challenging times in which we live. Inspired by MARY and SIMON OF CYRENE, as well as VERONICA and the WEEPING WOMEN, we will make new and timely connections to this traditional prayer experience. Our awareness of God's presence will be deepened and our hopes restored. A creative prayer activity will be included.
Sacred Heart Church in Springfield will host a St. Francis Novena of Grace from Monday,
March 31, through Tuesday, April, 8. The Novena Masses will be celebrated at 5:15 p.m. except
for Saturday, April 5, when the Novena Mass will be celebrated at 11 a.m. Nine Diocesan priests
will each celebrate one of the Novena Masses. All are welcome. For more information, contact
the parish office at (413) 732 3721.