Frida Berrigan, noted peace and justice activist, will be the keynote speaker at the Pax Christi Massachusetts (PCMA) Fall Assembly to be held on Saturday, November 2, 2024, at St. Susanna Parish Hall, 262 Needham Street, Dedham, MA, from 9:00am to 3:30pm. Her topic will be “Cultivating Hope, Creating Joy—No Matter What.”
Ms. Berrigan is the daughter of noted peace activists Philip Berrigan and Liz McAllister, and she grew up in the Catholic Worker community. She is connected with the War Resisters League, Pax Christi, and the Catholic Worker movement, and she is a co-founder of Witness Against Torture.
The assembly will also feature a panel discussion including young peacemakers Maria Udalova, nuclear disarmament activist; Jeanelle Wheeler, peace advocate; and Edgar Hayes, a member of the lay Catholic Agape community in Hardwick, MA.
To help PCMA plan for space and food, please register. The event will also be accessible remotely via Zoom. For more information, and to register, click here.